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US and Canadian Firefighters Train at 2022 Joey D Seminar

This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

YAPHANK, NY - During the weekend of Friday, November 4th, to Sunday, November 6th, the Lieutenant Joseph DiBernardo Foundation (Joey D Foundation for short) held their annual training seminar on Long Island.

The two days of “HOT” training were held on site at the Suffolk County Fire Academy. These training days included various hands-on courses taught by world class instructors from across the fire service. They included but were not limited to advanced auto extrication techniques, residential and commercial fires, truck ops, engine ops, man vs. machine, and more.

New this year was also a hands-on training on train emergencies. This train emergency course is a recent addition at the academy thanks to the Suffolk Fire Academy receiving old Long Island Railroad (LIRR) Cars. This course had firefighters go through the train cars filled with smoke and rescue injured victims.

Hundreds of firefighters from across the US, and even a few from Canada, attended the classes. All classes were under the supervision of certified instructors. EMS was on site courtesy of Flanders Northampton Ambulance for the duration of the training to treat any injuries that may have occurred. Staff also ensured that all students remained properly hydrated throughout the hot training event.

On Sunday, a seminar was held off site where in-person lectures were given on various topics in the fire service. Overall, the event was another great success.

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JOHN WALTHERSSenior Correspondent

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