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Mastic Beach FD Juniors Hold SCBA Training Drill with a Fun Twist

This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

Mastic Beach, NY — On September 5, 2024, the Mastic Beach Fire Department (FD) Juniors held a unique and educational drill designed to teach the use of Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) masks, blending training with fun and teamwork. The drill, held at the Mastic Beach Firehouse, saw the junior firefighters don SCBA masks and go "on air" while engaging in a series of dodgeball games.


The purpose of the drill was to familiarize the young participants with wearing SCBA masks and understanding how to manage and conserve their air supply in high-pressure situations. Playing dodgeball while "on air" provided the juniors with a realistic, yet entertaining, opportunity to practice proper breathing techniques and become accustomed to the feel of the equipment.


Several rounds of dodgeball were played, including a highly anticipated match that pitted the juniors against adult members and advisors of the department. Both the juniors and the adults gave it their all, but the real focus of the event was on the practical training, which was cleverly incorporated into the action-packed games.


The juniors thoroughly enjoyed the experience, with many expressing excitement about the opportunity to play alongside their mentors while learning valuable skills.


“The kids had a great time, and they’re learning so much about what it’s really like to be in the fire service,” said one advisor. “It’s drills like these that teach them how to operate under pressure and use their equipment properly.”


The Mastic Beach FD Juniors program is dedicated to educating youth who are interested in pursuing a future in the fire service. By offering hands-on training and mentorship, the program provides a foundational understanding of how the fire department operates. Meetings are held twice a month, and the program is open to local youth who reside within the department’s response area and meet the age requirements.


As the juniors continue their training, events like this help to prepare the next generation of firefighters, instilling in them the knowledge, confidence, and teamwork needed to one day serve their community.


For more information on the Mastic Beach FD Juniors program and how to get involved, please contact the Mastic Beach Fire Department directly.

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JOHN WALTHERSSenior Correspondent

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