Georgia Firefighters climb Stone Mountain
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Photo by Shane Shifflett DeKalb County firefighter Jarryd Seider at the top of Stone Mountain
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Photo by Shane ShifflettGeorgia Firefighters pause prior to making the climb to the top of Stone Mountain
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Photo by Shane ShifflettDeKalb County Firefighters make it the top of Stone Mountain
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Photo by Shane Shifflett Firefighters take a well deserved break
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Photo by Shane ShifflettChief Officers & firefighters make the final trek to the top
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Photo by Shane ShifflettThe final trek to the top
Stone Mountain, Georgia; At 0800 on 9-11-2020 over 150 firefighters & police officers began the 2.2 mile trek in the hot humid Georgia heat to the top of Stone Mountain.
During the climb, firefighters paused each time to remember horrible events that took place in 2001.
Firefighters came together from all over Georgia to
honor the men & women who made the ultimate sacrifice on 9/11/2001. Once photos were taken & a small break from climbing, firefighters made the trek back to the bottom where the DeKalb County Fire Reserve Team provided snacks & water. Thank You for everyone who came out. Never Forget 343.