Hackensack Spare Ladder and Ladder 1
October 07, 2021 | NEW JERSEY
CHRIS TOMPKINS, Correspondent
Photo by Chris Tompkins www.btfirephotos.comHackensack Spare Ladder and Ladder 1 operating at a 2nd-alarm in Englewood on 9-8-21. The Englewood FD was using Hackensack's Spare Ladder 2 after Tropical Storm Ida.
This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.
Hackensack Spare Ladder and Ladder 1 operating at a 2nd-alarm in Englewood on 9-8-21. The Englewood FD was using Hackensack's Spare Ladder 2 after Tropical Storm Ida.