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Working Garage Fire Extends to House in Clifton

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February 03, 2025 | NEW JERSEY BILL TOMPKINS, Correspondent
This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

CLIFTON, NJ - On February 3rd, a blaze that started in an attached garage below a split-level home spread up, causing extensive damage.


At approximately 9:00 P.M., Clifton units were sent to 138 Huemmer Terrace for the reported fire. Units traveled the long cul-de-sac to reach the home. Heavy fire was venting from the garage and extending up the “A” side to the living area above.

Additional engines were requested. Several lines were stretched to knock down the garage fire and through the front door to the room above. Ladder 3 accessed the roof. The visible fire in both the garage and the living room above were extinguished quickly. Flames extended to the attic area above and vented from an attic vent. That was also quelled.

Heavy smoke continued as overhaul commenced. The fire was able to be placed under control in just over one hour with no injuries reported. 

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BILL TOMPKINSCorrespondent

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