West Sayville 75 Year Member
Photo by PROVIDEDPictured above via Zoom is George and his son Bill and making the presentation is Chief Gary Savino and Assistant Chiefs Jeff Houghtalen, Brian D’Onofrio and Patrick D’Onofrio.
On September 4th, 2020, the West Sayville Fire Department honored one of our own for reaching a milestone attained by few. Firefighter George LeighManuell was honored for 75 years of membership in our department. George was named Chief for the day as well as being presented with his Chiefs helmet along with plaques and badges. George also received accolades from local politicians for his accomplishments. George, now living in Florida was honored via a Zoom meeting with his son Bill LeighManuell by his side. George’s son Bill is also an Ex-Chief and 51 year member of our department. George and Bill together have a combined total of 126 years of service to the West Sayville and Oakdale communities.
George’s good nature and fun loving personality has always been a forefront to his dedication to our department and community. His service to our department is an inspiration to all of us and to all the volunteer firefighters who serve our communities.
Congratulations George on a milestone reached by few but admired by many.