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Maywood Warehouse Fire Held by Sprinklers

This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

MAYWOOD, NJ - Sprinklers are credited for knocking down a fire in a warehouse on Howcroft Ave. in Maywood on the evening of February 27th. Just after 6:00 P.M., companies were dispatched to an alarm activation at 27 West Howcroft Ave. Upon arrival, Truck 17 confirmed a smoke condition and then transmitted a working fire. As firefighters entered the building, they reported that the fire was already being kept in check by the sprinkler system. Hand lines were stretched to make final extinguishment through a bay door. Mutual aid companies from Rochelle Park, Hackensack and Paramus arrived to assist. After the fire was knocked down, it was discovered that an unknown amount of chemicals and solvents were involved, so a decon operation was set up. Bergen county Haz-Mat was called to the scene while a notification was made to DEP. The fire was under control in about 20 minutes, and no injuries were reported. Mutual aid covering at Maywood's firehouse came from Fair Lawn, Saddle Brook, Lodi and River Edge.

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DAMIEN DANISSenior Correspondent

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