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Rockland County EMS member, Mark Engelman

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October 03, 2024 | NEW YORK CHELLE CORDERO, Correspondent
This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

Mark Engelman, beloved husband of 1st Responder News columnist Chelle Cordero, was a serious member of Rockland County EMS as a riding member, ambulance officer, board member - he taught multiple EMT classes at the RC Fire Training Center, he was a CPR instructor (BLS & community). He responded with the Rockland County contingent to WTC on 9/11. He also was a member of NY-4/DMAT and responded to New Orleans after Katrina, Texas after Ike, and a number of other crowd-control scenes. Mark spent more than 30 years in EMS, and will be missed by all who knew him.

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