Used Vehicles For Sale
Dealer Information:
Contact: | Angela Jones |
Address: | 100 Capitol Commerce Boulevard |
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Website: | |
Phone: | 800-613-0156 |
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Year: 2006
Price: Call for Price
Dealer: GovDeals
Online Auction for Government Surplus - Auction Ends 1/17/20 - To view auction details go to and enter 774-95 in the search box.
THIS TRUCK IS LOCATED IN SOUTH EUCLID, OH. 2006 Ford E-450 Rescue Squad. Vehicle starts and runs with 6.0 L V8 Diesel Engine (replaced in 2012). Maintained every 180 days, automatic transmission. Interior is gray cloth with wear and tear. AM/FM, working A/C, cruise control,remote mirrors, tilt steering, power steering, windows, door locks and seats. Exterior is red and white with minor dings, scratches and rust, tires are in good condition. No cracked glass. Vehicle has rusted front lower fenders. Decals and emergency equipment have been removed. - Bid on Government Auctions to buy Government Surplus.