Mastic FD Handles Second Brush Fire Within Two Hours

Photo by harold l jacobsThis was shot before the engine arrived.

Photo by harold l jacobsChief Rudy had command

Photo by harold l jacobsFirefighters on the scene

Photo by harold l jacobsFirefighters pull the booster line off the engine

Photo by harold l jacobsFirefighters start there attack

Photo by harold l jacobs
Mastic, NY - On the afternoon of Christmas Eve. the Mastic FD was toned out for a brush fire on Patchogue Ave. Mastic FD Chief Rudy arrived on scene to find smoke and flames in the woods, and found that there were leaves on fire. Mastic FD Engine 5-12-2 was first due into the scene. After 5-12-2 arrived, firefighters pulled a booster line off and went right to work on wetting the area down and making sure that all fire was out. Mastic FD Engine 5-12-1 arrived and the crew helped out with rakes and hooks to move the pile of leaves around, making sure that all the fire was out. Two hours earlier, Mastic FD had another brush fire in the area.