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Fire Through the Roof on Arrival in the Town of Claverack

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November 26, 2021 | NEW YORK JEFFREY BELSCHWINDER, Senior Correspondent
This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

CLAVERACK, NY - On Friday, November 26th at 7:18 P.M., the Mellenville FD along with automatic mutual aid from the Hudson FD for their truck company, Philmont FD, the Greenport FD for the FAST team and Livingston FD for their tanker, were dispatched to the scene of a structure fire at 74 Church Street. The caller reported that the house was on fire and said it house was being evacuated.

The first arriving chief on scene had smoke showing and fire through the roof in the rear of the large three-story, wood-frame structure and transmitted a Working Fire notification to the dispatcher. Firefighters quickly arrived on scene and made their way to the rear of the structure. The first arriving engine parked in the driveway in the back portion of the house and crews immediately deployed a one-and-three-quarter inch hand line up the stairs to the third-floor attic area where they had a heavy fire condition. The Philmont FD's engine arrived on scene and connected into the hydrant across the street from the residence and established the water supply for the scene.

As additional firefighters arrived on scene crews deployed more hand lines up to the fire floor to assist with making the knockdown. Hudson’s truck company arrived on scene, set up in the front portion of the house and crews made their way to the roof to begin to vent the building. Firefighters below made an aggressive knockdown of the fire condition on the third floor of the structure. As firefighters were working to overhaul the roof area and check for hotspots remaining in the attic area crews conducted a secondary search of the house. While crews were on the roof working, firefighters made sure the chimney was clear and dropped a chimney flare down it. Crews emptied out the fire box in the fireplace below where the fire was heaviest in the roof area.

Firefighters were able to bring the fire under control in less than 30 minutes. No injuries were reported and the fire is under investigation at this time. The roof of the home suffered extensive damage and the home also suffered smoke and water damage.

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