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Second Alarm Warehouse Fire In Jonesville Fire District

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November 11, 2022 | NEW YORK JEFFREY BELSCHWINDER, Senior Correspondent
This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

Jonesville, NY - On November 11, 2022, at 3:16 PM, the Jonesville Fire Department was dispatched for a reported fire alarm at 602 Pierce Road with a active water flow alarm. The first chief to call in route to the scene asked the dispatcher if they had any additional information, and the dispatcher stated that the alarm company is receiving the water flow alarm activation for a possible sprinkler activation in the building. The first arriving chief on scene immediately had the dispatcher transmit a working fire dispatch as he had smoked showing from the structure.

With a large commercial structure warehouse with a multi occupancy style set up and command had a significant amount of smoke showing from the roof of the structure and requested the second alarm to be transmitted. The second alarm brought Round Lake Fire Department, Malta Ridge Fire Department for the fast team, Clifton Park for their ladder truck and Clifton Park Emergency Medical Services to the scene. Command conducted a walk around of the building and discovered they had a very well smoke charged warehouse. Command requested the first due engine to connect to the nearby hydrant and for firefighters to deploy a 2 1/2-inch hand line to the front door of the structure. Command requested the truck company to take the front of the building and make their way to the roof.

Firefighters made their way in to the warehouse to find the seat of the fire. Additional resources quickly began to arrive on scene and firefighters began to set up for a large-scale operation if needed. The Clifton Park Fire Department set up their ladder truck up in front of the loading dock and made their way to the roof. As firefighters began to search the warehouse area they began to determine where the fire was located as they had multiple locations in different parts of the building that still did not have any signs of smoke or fire. As firefighters continue to search the warehouse, they discovered the source of the fire and notified command that they were beginning to get water on to the fire. Firefighters continued to check the rest of the building and determined that they had successfully located the source of the fire, and there was no other threat to any other part of the building.

Command requested the Brunt Hills Fire Department to the scene with their air boat to help with ventilation of the structure. Firefighters continued to open up doors in the structure and the large bay doors to vent the building of the smoke that had built up. Fire Investigators arrived on scene and checked in with command. Firefighters were able to successfully bring the incident under control without significant damage to the building. Fire Investigators began their investigation into what caused the fire and were working an area where a large pallet of older batteries was being stored. Firefighters remain on scene for a significant portion of time. No injuries were reported in the fire was contained to one area of the warehouse.

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