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Vacant Warehouse Burns in Orange

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November 20, 2023 | NEW JERSEY BILL TOMPKINS, Correspondent
This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

ORANGE, NJ - A large former meat market warehouse at 32 N. Central Ave. in Orange that has been empty for about 20 years was heavily damaged in a four-alarm fire on November 20th.

Flames were visible from the roof of the approximate 50’ X 200’ one and two story brick structure as units arrived. A second-alarm was immediately transmitted. The seat of the fire was in the rear of the building on the second-floor section and breaking through the roof. An interior attack was commenced, but as parts of the weather-beaten roof collapsed, members were withdrawn and a third-alarm was sounded.

Three elevated master streams, as well as numerous hand lines were put to work. As the flames subsided and the smoke lightened, crews once again entered through the front of the structure. A fourth-alarm was called for. Structural stability came into question, and once again firefighters were withdrawn. An extended defensive attack had the flames knocked down and the smoke condition continued to lessen. The New Jersey Transit tracks next to the fire building was forced to be shut down for over two hours. A search was made for squatters known to use the building. None were found, but that is one of the possibilities for a cause. There were no injuries reported.

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BILL TOMPKINSCorrespondent

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