West Sayville FD Hosts Multi District Open House
Photo by John Walthers- Suffolk Fire PhotosMembers of Bayport and Blue Point FD's work together for vehicle Extrication Demonstration at Multi District Open House in West Sayville.
Photo by John Walthers- Suffolk Fire PhotosMembers of Bayport and Blue Point FD's work together for vehicle Extrication Demonstration at Multi District Open House in West Sayville.
Photo by John Walthers- Suffolk Fire PhotosSayville Firefighters give the forcible entry Demonstration at Multi District Open House in West Sayville.
Photo by John Walthers- Suffolk Fire PhotosSayville Firefighters give the forcible entry Demonstration at Multi District Open House in West Sayville.
Photo by John Walthers- Suffolk Fire PhotosBohemia FD and Community ambulance work on firefighter CPR Demonstration at Multi District Open House in West Sayville.
Photo by John Walthers- Suffolk Fire PhotosWest Sayville FD recently hosted a Mutli District Open House
Photo by John Walthers- Suffolk Fire PhotosThe Kids check out the State Police vehicle .
Photo by John Walthers- Suffolk Fire PhotosHolbrook Fire Deparment Members and Juniors Manned the Junior Firefighter Challenge course recently at West Sayville FD's Multi District Open House.
West Sayville N.Y.- On Sunday October 17th the West Sayville Fire District hosted a Multi-District Fire Prevention Open House at the West Sayville Fire Department. This Multi District Open House model involved teaming up with 5 neighboring fire districts and the local volunteer ambulance company. Each District’s department played a unique role in the days teaching an demonstrations that were held.
The Holbrook Fire Department’s members were in charge of manning a junior firefighter challenge which was a mini course for the children where they practiced things like stop, drop roll, hose dragging , rescuing a victim and exiting a window to name a few. They were also able to try on smaller versions of bunker coats / gear. The Bohemia Sayville firefighters demonstrated forceable entry, Bayport and Blue Point FD demonstrated automobile extrication. Bohemia FD and Community ambulance demonstrated down firefighter care/ Firefighter CPR. In addition, the US Army had their Bambi bucket on display. This device attaches to a helicopter and can drop large amounts of water or foam on a fire such as a wildfire. NYS Police Had a police SUV oh hand and gear available for show which the kids enjoyed. Also, the Suffolk County Department of Fire Rescue had its all-hazards smoke trailer on site. And of course, the West Sayville FD had various apparatus on display along with their neighbors as well as a hose demonstration.
All the families who attended this even got to meet their local firefighters as well as the mutual aid departments that may assist and everyone had a great time.