2023 Monrovia FD Fire Prevention Week Open house.

Photo by Tim MaciasProbationary Monrovia Firefighter Christian Wilbraham demonstrates the operation of a fire extinguisher.

Photo by Tim MaciasMonrovia Residents arriving and pumpkin judging

Photo by Tim MaciasAn American Red Cross Disaster services rep going over Disaster readiness info with a local resident.

Photo by Tim MaciasA Monrovia Fire Explorer assisting a young child with operation of a hose line during the Jr Firefighter Challenge course.

Photo by Tim MaciasSamson the Safety Bear demonstrating hands only CPR.

Photo by Tim MaciasProbationary Firefighter Christian Wilbraham shows how to extinguish a stove top fire.

Photo by Tim MaciasFirefighter Wilbraham showing what could happen if a natural Christmas tree isn't kept watered.

Photo by Tim MaciasSamson sits for a game of uno.
Monrovia, CA. On Saturday October 15th 2023 to mark the conclusion of Fire Prevention Week 2023, The Monrovia (CA) Fire Department hosted its annual Fire Prevention Week open house. On a bright early Fall October Saturdsay in the waining hours of the annual solar eclipse Monrovia Firefighter's welcomed the community into Station 101. On hand to assist Firefighter's were represenatives from the Monrovia Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), The Local Home Depot and the American Red Cross. Guests were also able to enter into a raffle to win a custom carved and decorated Halloween pumpkin created by Monrovia Firefighters.
For the kids the always popular Junior Firefighter Challenge course once again proved to be a smash hit, Department Mascot Samson the Safety Bear was on hand exhanging high fives and posting for photos.
Represenatives from the Home Depot were on hand with product displays of varuous Fire and dry chemical extinguishers and various display models of smoke and Co2 detectors, A repersentaive from the American Red Cross were on hand with diaster safety informationa and encourgaring resident to donate blood and platelets. Monrovia CERT Team members were on hand passing out foldavle cardboard fire engines to children. Guests in attedance were also treated to a delicous meal to griled hot dogs, chips bottled water and freshly popped pop corn. Monrovia Firefighter's were also hand teaching hands only CPR.
With the theme for Fire Prevention Week 2023 being :"Cooking Safety Starts with you" Monrovia Firefighter's showed how to safelty contain and extinguish a stove top fire and an oven fire and how to effectivelty operate a fire extinguisher, With the Christmas season fastly apporaching Firefighter's showed off just how dangerous a dry Crhsitmas tree can be buy ingiting one. Monrovia Firefighter's had a great time spending the day with residents of the community and teaching them about Fire Safety and look forward to welcoming everyome back in early May for the department's annual pancake breakfast.