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Fire Prevention

This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

Cronomer Valley-Orange Lake-Winona Lake FD went to Gardnertown School on October 12th-for Fire Prevention Week. Firefighters staged by their 

Fire Engines-Ladder Trucks and students from Pre-K to Fifth Grade came to every station with their teacher and listened to Fire Fighters tell them about 

what kind of Fire Equipment is carried and its uses. Many students asked firefighters questions and they answered them. Mr Dottin the Principal of Gardnertown 

and Ass't Principal Mrs Clark thanked the firefighters for sharing their knowledge of the Fire Department with them and the students. in the rear of the the school 

Winona Lake Engine Company had their ladder truck on display Principal Mr Dottin climbed in the bucket and was taken up in the air-he was waving to the students 

and taking pictures. After he was on the ground again he thanked the firefighters and aske the students if they had learned anything. The students all agreed yes they did. 

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BOB MCCORMICKCorrespondent

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