Fire Prevention
Photo by bob mccormickFire Prevention-Gardnertown School
Photo by bob mccormickFire Prevention-Gardnertown School
Photo by bob mccormickFire Prevention Gardnertown School
Photo by bob mccormick Fire Prevention Gardnertown School
Photo by bob mccormickFire Prevention Gardertown School
Photo by bob mccormickFire Prevention Gardnertown School
Photo by bob mccormickFire Prevention Gardnertown School
Photo by bob mccormickFire Prevention Gardnertown School
Cronomer Valley and Orange Lake FD went to Gardnertown School on morning of October 8TH. The Fire Alarm was sounded all students and teachers went outside. Both Fire
Companies responded as part of fire prevention week. Orange Lake Engine pulled into the front of the school as Cronomer Valley responded in the rear with their Ladder Truck.
Students and teachers brought their students out to hear about fire prevention week. Firefighters gave intsructions as what do you have inside your house in case of a fire. Smoke
detector's the students said-what do you do if they go off. Exit the house and found your parents. Firefighters gave a tour of the engine and ladder truck-what equipment is on
both vehicles and the use of it. Firefighters then went into the classrooms and gave more information out and answered any questions.