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Two Atlantic City Fire Chiefs retire during multi-alarm blaze

This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

Atlantic City, NJ - Battalion Chiefs Robert Macready and Kevin Bennett retired at the scene of a raging fire that ripped through four buildings on Atlantic Avenue.

Because their paperwork for retirement was in, both men had to leave the job as Sept. 30 turned to Oct. 1.

Battalion Chief Macready who was in command of the multi-alarm fire scene turned over command to Deputy Chief Vincent Granese, seconds later Battalion Chief Kevin Bennett notified dispatch that he was also retired as of that time.

Atlantic City Department Chief Dennis Brooks said "It’s the way every firefighter wants to end their career, doing their job"

Macready began his career in the former Station 3 at Maryland and Arctic avenues, He ended his career in Station 1, a few blocks away, in Battalion 1 Platoon 2.

Bennett, served on the department for 31½ years and ended his career at Station 4 Battalion 2 Platoon 2.

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RON BAILEYCorrespondent

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