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3rd Alarm Fire Kills 2 Occupants

This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

09-20-24 0230 hrs- Paterson Fire Dept, Tour 2 responded to the report of a structure fire at the location. Upon arrival, there was heavy fire in the original fire building. Units started an interior attack, but were order out due to conditions worsening. It was reported early in the incident that 2 persons were unaccounted for and may still be in the building. Further search was impossible due to fire conditions. The fire extended to the "B" structure and took the roof and attic area. The "D" side building suffered damage to the side adjacent to the main fire building, but a great stop was made preventing further damage to that building. Both deceased were located after conditions became tenable and were removed from the original fire building. Mutual Aid was received from numerous municipalities to cover the city. Units began returning to their own towns at about 0430am. Identification of the deceased was not made public. Investigation into the cause of the fire is continuing.

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MARTIN PELTACorrespondent

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