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Newburgh FD 9/11 Ceremony

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September 18, 2024 | NEW YORK BOB MCCORMICK, Correspondent
This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

Newburgh FD IAFF Local 589 held their 911 Ceremony at Park Place in Newburgh at 8:30 Ceremony started. Newburgh FD Color Guard presented the colors Police and Firefighters saluted the flag as it passed to the Flag Pole. Chief of the Newburgh FD Francis Spinelli announced and recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Opening prayer was said by Fire Department Chaplain Peter Haight- Chief Spinelli read a article that was in a paper that he read. After words a list of names of Firefighters that had died on nine eleven was read. Assemblyman Johnathan Jacobson District 104 said some words about the day after-when Americans came together-flags were flown-people sort of came together as one-that is what we should get back to. The Orange County Firefighters Pipes and Drums band played Amazing Grace-Chaplain Haight then gave the closing prayer. The FD Honor Guard then retired the colors. 

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BOB MCCORMICKCorrespondent

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