Town of Deerpark, NY -- We will never forget!

Photo by Sharon E. SiegelTwo retired NYC firefighters, Joe Rennish and Chris Edwards, shared painful memories and called for Americans to recall both the tragedies and the greatness of America's people on 9-11 and afterwards.

Photo by Sharon E. SiegelTillie Geidel and daughter Tillie lost a third of their household on 9-11-2001 when their loved one, NYC Firefighter Gary Geidel, went to work as usual that day.

Photo by Sharon E. SiegelTwo retired NYC firefighters, Joe Rennish (pictured here) and Chris Edwards, shared painful memories and called for Americans to recall both the tragedies and the greatness of America's people on 9-11 and afterwards.

Photo by Sharon E. SiegelTwo retired NYC firefighters, Chris Edwards (pictured here) and Joe Rennish, shared painful memories and called for Americans to recall both the tragedies and the greatness of America's people on 9-11 and afterwards.

Photo by Sharon E. SiegelMembers of Cuddebackville Volunteer Fire Department are among the many emergency responders who attend Town of Deerpark's 9-11 service annually.

Photo by Sharon E. SiegelFirefighters and others placed memorial bows on the Town of Deerpark's 9-11 Memorial Tree.

Photo by Sharon E. SiegelMembers of Huguenot Volunteer Fire Department are among the many emergency responders who attend Town of Deerpark's 9-11 service annually.

Photo by Sharon E. SiegelThis gentleman spoke of the heroism of passengers on a plane on 9-11 who took back control from hijackers, but lost their lives in preventing the four terrorists' greater destruction and path.
TOWN OF DEERPARK, NY – Firefighters, EMS, police, dignitaries and survivors of loved ones and colleagues lost on 9-11-2001 gathered at the Town of Deerpark Town Hall this month for a 21st Memorial Tribute of remembrance. Like communities across the nation, and around the world, Deerpark’s Town Board has pledged to always remember the actions of that day and those that followed.
A steel beam, an American flag, and a World Trade Center flag, all from Ground Zero, remain at the Town Hall, with a Memorial Tree of bows for victims. These powerful symbols frame the annual service each year, where dozens of uniformed emergency responders and others come together as a community.
Two retired New York City firefighters, and one other individual, spoke following remarks by dignitaries.
Retired New York City Firefighter Joe Rennish, who has remained an active local volunteer firefighter into his 80s, trained many of the young firefighter ‘probies’ who perished in 2001. Rennish readily recalls each of them and the painful experiences of his own recovery work at Ground Zero. Rennish has called for a 9-11 Memorial Day, similar to Pearl Harbor Day. He cited thousands who died on 9-11 and others who continue to die from its health effects.
Retired NYC Firefighter Chris Edwards also recalls colleagues who died on 9-11, and actions and efforts that followed. He urged everyone, especially children and young Americans, to continue to remember the horrible things that happened that day, but to also remember the greatness, unity, and kindness that followed.
The third citizen speaker recalled the bravery of passengers who sacrificed their own lives as they took back control, halting the violent actions and intended path of four terrorist hijackers on their plane.
Town of Deerpark Supervisor Gary Spears introduced participants and thanked musicians, school students, speakers, emergency responders, and other community members for standing together each September 11. Town Clerk Flo Santini, organizer, found herself glancing skyward after everyone had left. She, along with Spears and others, reaffirmed her pledge to never forget, not for as long as she lives.