Leesburg Remenbers

Photo by WDCphoto/bill clareMembers of the Loudoun County Fre Rescue hold Flags

Photo by WDCphoto/bill clareYellow Ribbons and bows on the trees

Photo by WDCphoto/bill clareAssistant Chief of the Loudoun County Frre Rescue Matthew Tobia speaks to the gathering

Photo by WDCphoto/bill clareMembers of the fire service listen to the speakers

Photo by WDCphoto/bill clarePipe Sergesnt Timothy Kirkpatrick Plays Amazing Grace
Leesburg Va. The town of Leesburg held a remembrance for those who gave there lives on 9-11, and for those who responded to the call for help.
Loudoun County Fire Rescue sent units to help at the Pentagon sight, while other units filled in through out Fairfax County. On the day our nation held it's breath.
Members of the Loudoun County Vol. and Carrier staffs stood at attention as speakers spoke of that day. Yellow ribbons and bows decorated the trees at the town square. People who attended bowed there heads in prayer, others cried, and some saluted. A Piper plaied Amazing Grace as those who gathered spoke not a word. As small American Flags were held in there hands