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Airport Fire in Orange County is at 5% Containment

This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

On September 9th around 1:15 PM, a large brush fire broke out in The Trabuco Canyon area in Orange County. The fire rapidly spread and was at 500 acres within minutes. Crews from all over the state were called in to assist fighting the blaze. Numerous aircraft were also called in, including some DC-10s that have been converted to firefighting aircraft.

The fire spread to Riverside county causing the Ortega Highway to be shut down completely.

Night flying helicopters have been called in to make drops.

The fire is currently mapped at about 23,412 acres.

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RYAN GROTHECorrespondent

Full time firefighter in San Diego North county. Freelance media credentialed photographer. main area of focus is aerial firefighting.