Fire Consumes Coshocton County Mobile Home

Photo by Jim McKeeverFirefighters begin knocking down the flames on the B side of the home.

Photo by Jim McKeeverMetal roof hinders fighters.

Photo by Jim McKeeverContinued firefighting operation.

Photo by Jim McKeeverGetting some of the fire under the roof.

Photo by Jim McKeeverWorking on some of the hot spots.

Photo by Jim McKeeverPulling the metal roof off of the structure.

Photo by Jim McKeeverOfficer checking on progress.

Photo by Jim McKeeverHitting hot spots.
WEST LAFAYETTE, OHIO - On July 23, 2021, around 4:30 pm, the West Lafayette FD was paged out to a reported mobile home fire in the 18000 block of County Road 106.
Upon arrival, West Lafayette firefighters found the mobile home fully involved in flames.Hand lines were stretched to the B and C sides of the home to begin fighting the fire. A second alarm was called to get more resources on scene.Firefighters were able to knock down most of the flames but the fire had already done a large amount of damage. The home was a total loss.
Second alarm included units from Conesville FD, Three Rivers FD, Bakersville FD, Newcomerstown FD, and Kimbolton FD.
Assisting on scene were the Coshocton County EMS, and the Salvation Army for rehab.