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Passing of Former Chief Michael D Grieco II

This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

Former Cronomer Valley FD Chief and Fire Commissioner Michael D Grieco II passed away on August 28,surrounded by his family. Michael was auto mechanic at Greico's Service Station-third generation-He was Chief-1999-2002-Fire Commissioner-2002-2016. Wednesday Cronomer Valley and area Fire Departments and Ambulance Corp gave Michael his final salute as the funeral procession passed by the fire house. After turning into the parking lot and stopping infront members were called to attention and saluted as the fire siren sounded. After words the procession went east into City/Newburgh past Grieco's Service Station then to Saint Francis Church where a Mass was said. After the mass Michael final rest place was Calvary Cemetery.

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BOB MCCORMICKCorrespondent

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