Greenfield Ma Firefighters Make Quick Work of Residential Fire
August 18, 2020 | MASSACHUSETTS
KEVIN MOSIO, Correspondent

Photo by Kevin MosioApparatus out front of the fire building.

Photo by Kevin Mosio

Photo by Kevin Mosio

Photo by Kevin Mosio
This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.
On 8/18/20 Greenfield struck a box alarm for personnel to respond to 35 Wildwood Ave for a possible building fire. First arriving units reported smoke and fire showing which upgraded the call to a working fire assignment. This brings in off duty members and mutual aid from surrounding communities.
I had a 35 min ride out there and they had the fire quickly knocked down before I got there. Primary and secondary searches of the residence were negative. Strong Interior and exterior hose advances stopped this from continuing to spread.