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Two Burn Victims at Campbell Hall House Fire

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August 21, 2023 | NEW YORK GARY HEARN, Correspondent
This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

CAMPBELL HALL, NY - At 4:33 A.M. on August 21st, the Washingtonville Fire Department was alerted on a second-alarm assignment for a house fire in the Campbell Hall Fire Department's response area.

Squad 580 responded to the fill site and supplied tankers. Pumper/Tanker 577 responded to the scene. Upon arrival, the crew was split in two. Half the crew provided support to Campbell Hall's first due engine by operating as a truck, opening up the ceilings and walls. The other half of 577's crew operated the second hoseline inside the fire building.

Pumper/Tanker 577 provided water to Maybrooks Pumper/Tanker (which was supplying Campbell Halls's first due engine).

Two burn victims were treated by Blooming Grove EMS at the scene and transported to Westchester County Medical Center in two separate helicopters.

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GARY HEARNCorrespondent

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