Tow Truck Burns at Paterson Auto Body Shop

Photo by Marty PeltaWhats left of truck after fire extinguished

Photo by Marty PeltaNo damage to Vehicles in shop

Photo by Marty PeltaBattalion Chief mike Walker supervises inside crew

Photo by Marty PeltaEngine 5 Crew with 2 1/2 after fire knocked

Photo by Marty PeltaDep Chief Woods and Batt Chief Walker assess damage to building from roadway.
PATERSON, NJ - Paterson FD, under the command of Deputy Chief AJ Woods, responded to a reported truck fire behind an auto body shop on July 26th. Engine 5 Captain Gonzalez reported seeing a heavy column of smoke while enroute to the scene. Upon arrival, the cab and the engine compartment of the flat bed tow truck were fully involved and there was minor extension into the building. Four lines were stretched and the fire was quickly knocked down. There was no damage to the vehicles inside the shop, and no injuries were reported.