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Antique Fire Truck Show Held in Yantic

This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

At 10am on Saturday, 7/23/2022 the Yantic Fire Engine Company held an antique fire truck show for their 175th anniversary. The Southern Connecticut Antique Fire Apparatus Club partnered with Yantic to put on the event. Multiple departments attended from around the state and enjoyed a hot day. A drafting and pumping evolution went on throughout the day which also allowed some of the children to cool off. It was great to see some very old motorized apparatus still running smoothly.

The trophies were awarded as follows; Chief’s Choice sponsored by Signal 54 Training went to Pat Farley with South Windham’s retired engine, Peoples Choice sponsored by MES/Shipmans Fire Equipment went to Montville, Farthest Travelled sponsored by the Claffey Family went to Broad Brook, Best Motorized sponsored by Adelman Sand and Stone went to Lyme, and Best Non-Motorized sponsored by Bulldog Fire Equipment went to Colchester.

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RYAN FLAHERTYCorrespondent

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