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Ridgefield Park Recognizes Firefighters Service

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July 16, 2024 | NEW JERSEY RON JEFFERS, New Jersey Editor
This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

RIDGEFIELD PARK, NJ - On the morning of July 4th, local firefighters assembled at the village Memorial Bell for the department's annual inspection and awards ceremony. Chief of Department William Lynn welcomed firefighters, local officials and friends, with fire apparatus from six companies lined up on the street.  


Chief Lynn had the honor of awarding his mother, Michelle, of Truck Co. 2, with a 40-Year Service Award.  


The 50-Years of Service Award has been named the George D. Fosdick Memorial Award, “to honor our past Chief, Mayor, Fire Commissioner and friend.” Chief Fosdick passed away, this year. The 50-year award was presented to Ex-Chief John Antola, Jr. and Assistant Chief John Malool.  


The 60-years of service awards were presented to Ex-Chief Joseph Alberque and Ex-Chief George Fosdick, presented to his son, George, Jr.   


Additional awards included: Carl Dettloff, 55-years; Richard Solimine and Lt. Donald Jump, 45-years; Michael Flynn and Capt. Sylvan Mack, 25-years; Ex-Chief John Antola, Jr. and John O'Grady, Jr., 20-years; Shane O'Keefe, 10-years; Capt. Brian Dolch, Lt. John Van Buskirk, Lt. Matthew McGurty, Firefighters Jessica Hatton and Robert Fuchs, 5-years.  


After the ceremony, firefighters were treated to breakfast at the local Elks Lodge, before they participated in their annual Independence Day Parade, one of the oldest in the country.

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RON JEFFERSNew Jersey Editor

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