Duct Work Fire Strikes Bakery
Photo by K. LegerLadder 4 to the roof
Photo by K. LegerEngine 5 feeding
Fall River, MA - Around 5:30 p.m. on Saturday, June, 29th, firefighters responded to Gold Medal Bakery for a still alarm. This is a large commercial bakery that spans more than a city block. The call came in as a possible fire in the ductwork. Before the first units arrived on scene the box alarm had tripped.
When Command arrived on scene he ordered the ladder company to immediatly access the roof and to bring an attack line to the roof vents. The roof team reported fire in the vent and the interior crews reported fire above the ovens in the ductwork.
The fire was quickly knocked down, and clean up began. Command called for two medical rescues to respond, one for a worker suffering from smoke inhalation, and one for standby. Command also called for the Fire Investigation Unit and the Board of Health to respond.
This bakery produces Holsum bread products including hotdog and hamburger buns and this fire could not have come at a worst time as 4th of July and summer cookouts are right upon us.