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Wrights Corners Holds Final Exams During Heat Wave

This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

Western New York was hit with an extremly hot and humid week, which happen to strike during final exams. Realizing that the Newfane High School does not have any type of AC in the school gym for final exams.  Chief JJ "Commander McKnight" President Michael Norwood Jr  and Firefighter Matthew Hnat and all of the Wrights Corners Fire Company came together and contacted the Newfane School District. The fire company was going to open up its main hall banquet facility and have it set up for final exams. The main entrance had atable that was set up for electronic devices. It was packed full of all styles of cell phones.  The tables, and seating provided more then ample room for the students to take theiur exams, and be able to set out their allowed material. Firefighter Matthew Hnat gave up many of his days, getting to the fire hall at 6:30 AM to set the AC to a comfortable temperature, which beat "The Heat" for the student exam takers.. The bathrooms are spacies and clean, kept up to the highets standards of banquest facilities. They are also located right outside the main doorway entrance, which allowed the hall procter to monitior both bathrooms so test procters could remain in the testing area to assist students with any questions. Why the test were going on Assistant Chief took advantage of the time by washing the fire hall floors, emergency equipment and then did invintory of equipment. It could arguably be said, that the concerns and community involvemnt of the Wrights Corners Fire Company Family, provided the finest conditions for the Students at Newfane High School to perform at their highest abilities in taking their final exams during this extreme heat and hunidity conditions. 

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STEPHEN WALLACESenior Correspondent

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