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Another Jet Ski Accident this time in the Mystic Island section of Little Egg Harbor.

This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

Its been be a busy weekend for BLS,ALS and Medvacs through out Southern Jersey. Just after 4pm. Great Bay EMS is dispatched for a person who was injured from a Jet Ski Mishap. Once on Location 850 requested a medevac for the traumatic injury. ALS assisted from Southern Ocean Medical Center. And Mystic Island FD was dispatched to handle the LZ. Hackensack 2 was the medevac and had a 15 min ETA once in the air. Once on the ground pt was turned over to the flight crew where they transported the pt to a near by Trauma Center for there injuries .

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ROMAN ISARYKCorrespondent

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