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Colby Sawmill and Lumber Destroyed by Fire

This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

Boscawen, NH - On Monday, June 24th, a Boscawen fire destroyed the Colby Sawmill and Lumber Company on High Street early morning. The Boscawen fire department was dispatched to a possible outside fire as seen from a passerby on Route 4. As Fire Chief Tim Kenney responded towards the fire, he could tell from a mile away it was the sawmill on fire as the sky was all lit up. 

A first alarm assignment of mutual aid tankers was dispatched and soon Chief Kenney arrived to find the Sawmill fully involved. Chief Kenney requested a second alarm at 4:11 a.m. for more tankers and Concord’s Tower Ladder. 

The Colby Sawmill and Lumber Company has been in operation for 50 years by the Colby family. A tanker shuttle was set up for water supply as the fire consumed the building. The fire was knocked down by 5:02 a.m. as firefighters extinguished the building which has collasped. The fire has believed to have started by a lightning strike from an earlier storm that night.

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JAY HEATHCorrespondent

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