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Shirley Ambulance Hosts First Open House in 2 Years

This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

SHIRLEY, NY - On June 12th, the Shirley Community Ambulance Co. held their open house and blood drive event for the first time in two years. Due to COVID 19, the event was cancelled the last two years.

At this year's event, the ambulance company not only had on display their vehicles for the public to see, but they also had on display the department's rehab support tent which is used at major fires and other scenes as requested as well as for special events to keep firefighters/responders warm or cool depending on the time of year, as it has heat and AC ability. The rehab unit is also used for events such as trainings, festivals and graduations.

A stop-the-bleed station was set up where people visiting could learn and practice the proper techniques to stop bleeding from different wounds such as cuts, stabbings or even a gunshot wound. The Shirley Ambulance membership committee handed out applications and answered questions for potential volunteers. Members of the student program were also on hand recruiting the next generation of potential volunteers.

All who attended had a great time!

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JOHN WALTHERSSenior Correspondent

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