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Two Firefighters Injured in Paterson Second Alarm

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June 20, 2024 | NEW JERSEY BILL TOMPKINS, Correspondent
This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

At about 1:40 a.m. on June 20th, an alarm was transmitted for a fire at 456 Ellison Street.  While responding in from quarters, Engine 1 transmitted the second alarm for a column of smoke visible and the report of possible people trapped. Heavy fire in the rear was showing on arrival from a large 2 1/2 story apparently vacant building. No squatters were apparently trapped. Several hand lines were quickly stretched to the front and rear to keep the flames from spreading. The building was confirmed vacant and all firefighters were ordered out and operations went defensive.

Most of the fire was concentrated on the second floor and attic. About a half hour into the blaze a large piece of the attic in the rear collapsed and injured two firefighters. One required transport to Saint Joe’s Medical Center. One ladder pipe, one deck gun, and several hand lines kept the flames to the original fire building, and by about 4:00 all visible fire was extinguished. The cause is under investigation.

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BILL TOMPKINSCorrespondent

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