Car Vs. Box Truck with Injuries in Sandy Hook

Photo by Karin M. HalsteadHead on MVA
SANDY HOOK, CT - Sandy Hook Fire & Rescue Co. and Newtown Ambulance were dispatched to 5 Riverside Road for a two-car, head-on MVA with injuries at 2:49 P.M. on June 9th. Deputy Chief Anthony Capozziello was first on scene, assumed command and confirmed that extrication was needed. Rescue 444 and Engine 441 responded to the scene with crews, and Newtown Hook & Ladder was added to the assignment due to the nature of the call. Firefighters went to work removing the rear passenger door and B post to better access the patient, who sustained several injuries. Both drivers and a passenger from the box truck were transported to Danbury Hospital. Sandy Hook cleared at 3:24 P.M. as the police had the roadway closed for an investigation.