Ridge FD Handles Brush Fire.
Photo by John Walthers- Suffolk Fire PhotosRidge FD Brush Trucks 5-22-11 & 5-22-12 Making entry into the woods to fight a Brush Fire Near Strathmore Ridge.
Photo by John Walthers- Suffolk Fire PhotosRidge Engine 5-22-6 pulling into the staging area.
Photo by John Walthers- Suffolk Fire PhotosCrew from Ridge Engine 1 disembarks the truck to go to see their assistant chief for orders.
Photo by John Walthers- Suffolk Fire PhotosBrush Truck 5-22-11 " The Pride of Panamoka" emerges from the woods.
Ridge NY. – On the evening of May 22nd, 2020, the Ridge FD was called for a report of a brush fire on independence ct off Strathmore Ridge Dr. The caller had advised SCPD dispatchers that there was a fire behind the buildings and a structure may be threatened. Ridge chief of department Louis Kaiser [5-22-30] arrived on scene and quickly located the fire. He and 1st assistant chief Wesley Phillips[5-22-31] directed units to go to the Missio Church on Smith Rd and make entry from there.
Brush trucks 5-2211 & 5-22-12 reported to the church where Chief Phillips was. They made their way into the woods via an entry point at the far end of the property. Once into the wood the crews from the trucks went to work locating the fire which was not threatening any structures. It was reported to be a 20x30 section of the woods with primarily debris on fire. They were able to quickly contain the fire and knock it down. Members from Engines 5-22-1 &5-22-6 staged at the church in case they were needed along with Ridge 1st Responder 5-22-80. No injuries were reported, and Units were back in service in under 40 minutes.