2nd Annual Christopher R. Friedauer Memorial Truck Show

Photo by Nicholas LenczykFair Haven Fire Department's retired Mack and American Lafrance pumpers on display at the 2nd annual truck show held at Bell Works, Holmdel, New Jersey.

Photo by Nicholas LenczykFair Haven's 1954 American Lafrance was in-service 54 years and refurbished twice during that time in 1979 and 1998 respectively. The "Quad" as it is known, is maintained by the Fair Haven Fire Department as an antique since 2008.

Photo by Nicholas LenczykFair Haven's former 1975 Mack CF was Refurbished by Pierce in 1990. This engine was retired in 2016 after 41 faithful years in service and is now privately owned by a member.

Photo by Nicholas LenczykThe tailboards of the two-apparatus identified as 13-74 and 13-72. The ALF was nicknamed "The Quad" while the other was nicknamed "The Mack".
On a mostly cloudy Saturday on May 18th, the 2nd Annual Christopher R. Friedauer Memorial Truck Show was held once again at Bell Works, formerly Bell Labs of Holmdel Township, New Jersey. The truck show consisted of over 180 different vehicles ranging from a Model T to pickups, straight trucks and tractors, to even a few cars. On display as well that day was the Fair Haven Fire Department's two former pumper trucks. A 1954 American Lafrance 750 GPM Quadruple Combination Pumper also know as a "Quad", served 54 years in-service and retired out as 2nd due on fire calls. This piece was refurbished in 1979 by a New York based company and later on at Lee's Emergency Vehicles of Tuckerton, New Jersey. That piece was retired in August of 2008 and is maintained under fire department ownership present day as a antique. Fair Haven's other retired fire truck that was on display was their former 1975 Mack CF-600 1250 GPM pumper truck that served 41 years and was retired as 3rd due for fire calls. This apparatus underwent a complete refurbishing by Pierce Manufacturing in 1990. This engine was auctioned off in June of 2016 and has been privetely owned since then by a member of the department. Both vehicles retired fully operational and the Fair Haven Fire Department continues to operate a newer version of the "Quad", a 2008 Pierce Velocity 1500 GPM Pumper with 177 feet of ground ladders and a 500 gallon booster tank.