Working Structure Fire Damages Home on Spring St. in Jamestown

Photo by John SmithHeavy fire showing.

Photo by John Smith

Photo by John Smith
JAMESTOWN, NY - On May 3rd, the Jamestown Fire Department was called to 813 Spring Street for a reported structure fire. Car 1 went on scene and reported a working fire.
According to the incident report, Jamestown FD firefighters arrived on the scene at 5:05 A.M. to find heavy fire on the back side of the structure from the ground to the attic of a two-and-a-half-story house.
Fire extended into the basement and then to the first-floor. Houses on both sides of the 813 Spring were evacuated. (Two) two-and-a-half-inch lines were used to keep the fire from spreading to neighboring homes, while Ladder 1 used an elevated stream to knock down the fire in the attic.
Firefighters entered the home to search for anyone inside and put out the fire. The bulk of the fire was knocked in about 20 minutes per command.
Firefighters and an off-shift ladder company remained on scene into the afternoon. An off-shift of 12+1 was called in. The cause of the fire is under investigation.