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Early Morning Fire Destroys Pembroke Home

This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

Pembroke, NH - An early morning fire destroyed a home as residents escaped unharmed on Sunday, April 26th. Concord Fire Alarm dispatched the report of "fire in the rear of the house" at 4:27 A.M., with automatic mutual aid coming from Allenstown, Hooksett and Concord.

Pembroke firefighters made an aggressive interior attack on the fire, backed up by Allenstown and Hooksett firefighters. Concord's Engine 7 and Rescue 7 vented the main roof, and then later Hooksett's crew vented the 'A/B' corner section as heavy fire took off in the attic.

Pembroke's Tower 1 eventually went to work to knock down some of the fire from the outside and crews managed to get back inside to knock down the fire, but the house was a complete loss.

A Bow Engine was special called to the scene for manpower, and Epsom provided coverage. Tri-Town Ambulance also treated a firefighter at the scene for heat exhaustion. The fire was placed under control at 5:48 A.M., and crews remained on the scene for overhaul and mop up until about 7:00 A.M.

The Red Cross was notified and Pembroke Deputy Fire Chief Paul Gagnon said neighbors and friends were able to provide assistance to the residents. No cause has yet been determined.

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JAY HEATHCorrespondent

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