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Mastic Beach Ambulance Members Collected Easter Donations for Kids

This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

Mastic Beach N.Y.-  Recently Members of Mastic Beach  Ambulance Company assisted St. Judes Church in a community outreach project to provide easter baskets and items for children  in need.  Members of Mastic Beach Ambulance  spent hours outside a local Dollar General Store in Shirley NY where they asked shoppers  if they would be willing to help donate to the cause. Members also collected monetary donations  leading up to and at the Easter drive where they then went shopping personally for items that the kids would like such as candy, Small easter toys, Stuffed animals..etc. The Items were donated to St Judes where they were distributed to families that were in need of help providing Easter for their families. This is one of the many things out side of responding to calls for injuries and sick people that the ambulance company does to give back to the community along with other things like food and clothing drives, community trainings , open houses and more.

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JOHN WALTHERSSenior Correspondent

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