First Responders Recognized for CPR Save in Blairstown

Photo by BOB HALBERSTADTBlairstown EMS personnel.

Photo by BOB HALBERSTADTBlairstown Hose Co. #1 personnel.

Photo by BOB HALBERSTADTBlairstown Police Department.
Blairstown, NJ - On Thursday, February 22, 2018, the Blairstown Ambulance Corps. was dispatched to a home in their township for a report of a cardiac emergency. Upon arrival at the scene, the Blairstown Squad found Blairstown PD doing CPR. Two shocks had been delivered. Blairstown Squad members assisted PD in rescue breathing for the patient. Knowlton Rescue and Blairstown Hose Co. #1 assisted with equipment and manpower.
CPR was continued on scene with PD and an additional five shocks were delivered before ROSC (Return of Spontaneous Circulation) was achieved. This activity lasted 16 minutes. The patient was then loaded into an ambulance and transport was started. While enroute to the hospital, the Blairstown Squad met up with paramedics from St. Clare's (Medic 55). The patient was still maintaining a pulse and transport was continued to the hospital, where patient care was then transferred to the awaiting cardiac unit. It was truly a team effort.
A pinning ceremony took place on April 17th to recognize all those involved. CPR Save Pins were presented by Captain Joe Digrazia to Blairstown Ambulance Corps members: Al Bickhardt, David Cribb, Scott Durlester and Laura Durlester; Blairstown Hose Co. #1 members: Calvin Inscho, Eric Usinowicz, Mike Sullivan, Tom Czarnacki and Chris Rossmell; and Blairstown Police Department members: Captain Scott Johnsen and Officer J. Dillon.
Others in attendance included Mike Engelhardt (St. Luke's EMT for 41 Rescue), Tyler Gehris (St. Luke's EMT for 41 Rescue), Mark Lohman (St. Luke's EMS Executive Director), and David Neal (Captain 41 Rescue).