Fire Hits a Cohoes Home

Photo by Mike CareyFirefighters on the scene of a structure fire in Cohoes

Photo by Mike CareyA handline is deployed during an interior attack

Photo by Mike CareyCohoes captains Jamie Hogan and Mark Dufresne at the scene of a structure fire

Photo by Mike CareyCohoes firefighters Josh Umholtz and Chris McKay

Photo by Mike CareyCohoes firefighters on the scene of a structure fire

Photo by Mike CareyFirefighters on the scene of a structure fire in Cohoes

Photo by Mike CareyFire caused heavy damage to a home on McDonald Drive in Cohoes

Photo by Mike Careyfirefighters on the scene of a structure fire in Cohoes
COHOES, NY - A fire on Thursday, April 14th, caused heavy damage to a home in Cohoes. Crews were called to a one-story home at 20 McDonald Drive, and were met upon arrival with a heavy fire volume. The first engine on scene declared a Signal 30, prompting mutual aid from Watervliet, Watervliet Arsenal, and Green Island. Crews deployed blitz fire to attack the fire building as a master stream was used to protect an exposure building. The exterior attack was then shut down as crews launched an interior attack. Everyone made it out of the home safely. One firefighter was taken to the hospital with a minor injury, but no other injuries were reported. The home suffered heavy damage, but the exposure building was spared. The cause of the fire remains under investigation.