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Yantic Responds to Outside Fire

This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

At 7:59 pm on Tuesday, 4/5/2022 the Yantic Fire Company with Taftville Tower 25 was dispatched to the rear of 243 Vergason Avenue Extension for callers reporting an explosion with flames visible through the woods. Car 139 arrived at 8:01 reporting a dumpster and a small storage area on fire that was spreading to some brush to the rear of the old Comcast building.

Engine 31 arrived at 8:08 and stretched the 1.75” trash line to the north side of the fire and the booster line to the south side. Engine 32 arrived next and nursed Engine 31 with a three inch line. Engine 33 and Taftville Engine 21 who responded in place of Tower 25 provided manpower for overhaul. Car 3 had command and there were no injuries. Crews overhauled the area for about 15 minutes and then handed the scene over to the Norwich Fire Marshal’s Office and Police Department.

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RYAN FLAHERTYCorrespondent

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