Firefighters Fight Fire in Thornbury Twp House.

Photo by Rainman14Firefighters prepare to enter the house to assist with fire attack

Photo by Rainman14Smoke pours from the garage as firefighters knock down the fire inside the house.
On March 14th at 20:07, Concord Fire & Protection Association and multiple mutual aid companies were dispatched to 17 Country Run in Thornbury Township for a residential building fire. Engine 59-2 arrived on scene first and reported nothing showing from a two story single family dwelling. Chief 59 took command and reported a working fire. Engine crews stretched a hand line through the garage and into the house to begin fire attack Tower 59 arrived as the first due truck and set up in the front of the house. Chester Heights Engine 71 dropped a supply line from a hydrant and supplied Engine 59-2. Crews were able to quickly knock down the fire and began checking for extension. Rocky Run Truck 46 assisted Truck 59 crews with opening up. Command requested the Fire Marshall to the scene. At the first 20 minute mark crews had two lines stretched with one in service. With all hands working crews started on overhaul operations and conducted searches. At the 30 minute mark command requested Air 52 out of West Chester to the scene and placed the fire under control. Crews continued to work for over a hour before the scene was turned over to the Fire Marshal. Crews cleared the scene by 22:30.