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Orange County Deputy Fire Coordinator Retires

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March 27, 2023 | NEW YORK BOB MCCORMICK, Correspondent
This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

NEWBURGH, NY - On March 22nd, a retirement party was held at the Good-Will firehouse for Charles Piper, Orange Car 36-13. Charlie held the position for 16 years.

Firefighters from Battalion 3 and Deputy Fire Coordinators from Orange County came to thank Charlie for his service. Orange County Fire Coordinator Vini Tankasali thanked him for the time he put into Orange County and presented him with his retirement badge.

Town of Newburgh Board Members Betty Greene, Scott Manley and Supervisor Gil Piaquadio presented Charlie with a Certificate of Achievement plaque; Gary Ferguson from Orange Lake Fire District presented him with a plaque; Winona Lake FD Assistant Chief Brian Mcgorman presented him with a plaque from Battalion 3, and Byron Williams-Town of Newburgh EMS presented him with a plaque. 

Charlie thanked everyone who attended and spoke about how much the job takes away from your home life,  responding all hours of the night and on holidays, and thanked his wife and family for letting him become fire coordinator. Before the night endd, all the Deputy Fire Coordinators presented another plaque to Charlie with a Flag with fire service and EMS and his name on it. 

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BOB MCCORMICKCorrespondent

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