Tinton Falls Fire Company #1 Celebrates 75 Years of Service

World Trade Center replica outside Tinton Falls Firehouse

Tinton Falls Firehouse and it's fleet
In October of 1932 in the historic Crawford House in what is now known as the Borough of Tinton Falls, neighborhood men gathered in the living room to form Tinton Falls Fire Company No. 1.
At the same time, the Tinton Falls Fire Company Ladies Auxiliary was being founded in the kitchen of the 18th century Dutch Colonial home. Since that time, Tinton Falls Fire Company No. 1, has provided dedicated volunteer fire and rescue service to Tinton Falls and its surrounding area. Over the past 75 years, Tinton Falls Fire Company No. 1 has responded to emergency calls whenever residents needed assistance. From a false alarm to a working fire, Tinton Falls Fire Company No. 1 has been there for the municipality it serves as well as for its neighbors.
Those that have not experienced the perils of a tragedy such as fire may know Tinton Falls Fire Company No. 1, located on Tinton and Sycamore Avenues, as a place to visit. The firehouse has become known for opening its doors to many community events throughout the year. It has been a place residents gather for hot dogs and soda after Memorial Day Services or enjoy hot chocolate, cookies and a visit with Santa after the Borough Christmas Tree Lighting.
Some families have made a tradition of visiting the firehouse to purchase a tree during the fire company Christmas Fundraiser or to gaze at the beautiful holiday light display. Others have supported the fire house during the annual Valentine’s rose sale. For those that have just passed by the firehouse, you cannot help but notice the spectacular monument dedicated to the World Trade Center and the victims of the tragic events of September 11, 2001. Memorial services have been held in front of the monument each year since the terrorist attacks.
This year marks the 75th Anniversary of the Tinton Falls Fire Company No.1 and the volunteer members intend on continuing their neighborly ways during this exciting and joyous year. On June 23, 2007, the firehouse doors will once again be open to the community and fire departments throughout the state, as the fire company will be celebrating its 75th Anniversary and Engine Dedication. In addition to commemorating an anniversary on this day, Tinton Falls Fire Company No.1 will also dedicate its newest arrival to the fleet; a 2007 Pierce Dash 1750 GPM Pumper.
This celebration will be a great opportunity for emergency service personnel to relax, network and enjoy music, food and cold refreshments. The engine dedication ceremony begins at 12:00 p.m. and the celebration begins at 1:00 p.m. Guests will enjoy a Barbecue featuring Pinebrook’s Famous chicken and ribs. Children will enjoy the kids’ games and fire trucks. Adults will enjoy 50/50s throughout the day, cold beer, Monmouth County Police Pipes and Drums, DJ Jimmi Mac and the live music of the Jersey Shore’s hottest cover band, Daddy Pop.
Fire departments throughout the state are welcome to participate in the Best Appearing Apparatus Competition. There will be many categories, including Furthest Traveled and Worst Appearing Apparatus. The requirements for the apparatus will not be technical, but rather relaxed with judging by several FDNY firefighters.
As the volunteers get ready to mark this major milestone, they are putting together a Souvenir Journal for the 75th Anniversary Celebration. If you would like you to help commemorate the anniversary, booster lines and ad space will be available in this journal. For more information on sponsorship opportunities, you may e-mail tintonfallsfire@hotmail.com or call 732-542-9695.
The volunteer members of Tinton Falls Fire Company No. 1 are dedicated to the community and enjoy their relationship with the fire departments throughout the state. The fire company hopes you will join us in marking this special year in the fire company’s history. Remember, June 23, 2007 is Tinton Falls Fire Company No.1’s 75th Anniversary and Engine Dedication. It is free admission and is open to the public.