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The New Jersey Forest Fire Service Fleet services draft 1

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March 17, 2025 | NEW JERSEY JOHN RIETH, Correspondent
This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

The New Jersey Forest Fire Service operates a fleet of over 135 fire suppression apparatus, 8 heavy equipment transports, 10 dump trucks, over 30 pickups, vans, SUVs, and utility trucks, and over 23 staff vehicles, 11 UTVs/ATVs, 30 dozers, 15 other pieces of heavy equipment. In addition, over 100 + trailers, and hundreds of chain saws, portable pumps, leaf blowers, and other small engines. All are maintained by the dedicated folks who belong to the New Jersey Forest Fire Service Fleet Services. The Forest Fire Service’s sister agency the New Jersey Forestry Service operates an additional 30+ vehicles and other pieces of heavy equipment which is also maintained by the NJ Forest Fire Service shops.  

Currently there is three divisions within the New Jersey Forest Fire Service, each division has a shop.  Divion A north Jersey is in Andover, Division B Central Jersey is in New Lisbon, and Division C South Jersey is in Mays Landing. In addition, a Research and Development shop co located near the Mays Landing Shop providing construction of new apparatus, as well as major repairs especially on difficult or on heavy equipment. 

Fleet Services has a Supervisor of Forest Fire Equipment Maintenance. His Office is technically part of the State Headquarters Staff, but spends most of their time over seeing the R&D shop in Mays Landing. Currently 11 full time fleet service technicians are in employed as well as several part time technicians. All of which are trained in Wildland Fire Fighting, as most are capable of operating Heavy Equipment for Wildfires and non-emergencies.  Each technician is able to repair cars, light & heavy-duty trucks, heavy equipment, as well as small engines. They are also able to fabricate and preform body work. Most are able to paint as well. Currently only the Division A shop in Andover has an operational paint both. The technicians have at their disposal 5 roll back tow trucks, two wreckers, 3 tractor trailer low boys, 10 service trucks, and several pick-ups/vans.

The service trucks are equipped with air compressors, welders, and other tools, parts and supplies. They technicians are able to make various repairs in the field on light duty, heavy duty, as well as light and heavy equipment.

Fleet service technicians are dispatched to all major fires, large prescribe burns as well as other large or significant emergencies. Technicians are available 24/7/365 in case of any break downs.  

Each of the three division shops, can do most, if not all repairs that come up. Including fabricating new or rebuilding fire apparatus. Due to the large amount of equipment in each division, most but not all of the new apparatus are built in Mays Landing Research &Development shop. However, Division A shop in Andover has built several new apparatuses over the past few years. 

Starting in 1973 the New Jersey Forest Fire Service has deploys personnel and apparatus to assist the Federal Government and or other states with wildfire suppression or any other all hazard responses.  The Fleet Technicians have been deployed as fire fighters, as well as fire apparatus mechanics to wildfire across the nation. Sometimes they take a service truck as part of a taskforce or strike team from New Jersey.  Other times, like during Hurricane Katrin the NJ Forest Fire Service fleet technicians were deployed as single resources to maintain equipment used during the rescue/recovery operations in the New Orleans area. 

All of the fleet technicians are trained as National Wildfire Coordinating Group wildland fire fighter and in  All Hazard ICS. Most have advance training and have NWCG qualifications as engine boss, crew boss, dozer boss, engine operators, dozer operator, feller, portable pumps, and some have strike team/taskforce leader, logistics and other overhead qualifications, in addition to ASE automotive certifications. 

With a dedicated team of technicians that are trained and experienced as automotive technicians, as well as wildland fire fighting, the New Jersey Forest Fire Service Fleet Services can handle everything from chain saw repairs to help fight major wildfire. 

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JOHN RIETHCorrespondent

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