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Backyard Fire on Linfield-Trappe Rd

This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

March 12, 2025

At 4:20 pm, the Limerick Fire Department was dispatched for a fire in a backyard on Linfield-Trappe Rd. Assitant 51, Chief 51, Field 51-1, Field 51-2, Squad 51, Tanker 51, and Fire Police responded. Crews worked quickly to extinguish the fire, which had spread in the grass prior to arrival. They turned over logs and hit hotspots in the area before cleaning up their gear, tools, and hoses. While at the fire, the department was also dispatched to an automatic fire alarm on Enterprise Dr. Chief 51 and Rescue 51 responded. Crews were made available about an hour later.

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REGINA JELSKICorrespondent

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